The Ministry of Communication and Aviation is also responsible for the implementation of the television Act 1995 which makes provision for granting of licenses to service providers and groups wanting to broadcast over television. The Act formalises the establishment of the Television Board which functions towards the proper administration of this Act. The Minister of Communication as provided under the Act, has power to appoint the chairman and members of the Television Board subject to the provision of the Act and also has the power to terminate and suspend the members as and when necessary to protect the integrity of the Board. The Television Board then becomes the authority regulating the television services in Solomon Islands.

The principal responsibility of the television board is for the granting of licences and issuing relevant terms and conditions to licence holders. Moreover, the television Board ensures that conditions, including control of programme contents and standards fully comply with the provisions of the Television Act and are in line with the Solomon Islands Government’s National Broadcasting Policy, particularly in terms of broadcasted content.

In the event that a Licence holder does not comply with the terms and condition of a licence, the Board may decide to suspend or terminate that licence holder’s television broadcasting license.

The Television Board reports to the Minister of Communication and Aviation (MCA). In terms of complying with Government policy for broadcasting, this role is mostly maintained with the MCA through the Ministry’s Information Communication Technology (ICT) Services Division (formerly the Communications Department). The Director of the MCA’s ICT Services Division is sometimes appointed as the Interim Chair of the Television Board.


More Information


 Television Board

 Information Communication Technology Services Division

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